Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Welcome to my blog page!

This page is all about my summer 2007 internship at the Flour Chylde Bakery. Read on to find out more.

My Resume

Internship Description

This summer, I am interning at the Flour Chylde on Grant Ave. I am creating a new website for their restaurant, and I have also been working on updating their current site.

Organization Overview

This restaurant, located at 850 Grant Avenue, provides food for all kinds of different patrons around Novato. They have been in service for a year in Novato, California. They create home-made baked goods and sandwiches, and also deliver baked goods around town.

The restaurant has, on an average day, only around five to six employees. But because they are a small family-owned restaurant, they have little need for more employees. They are a local Novato business.

Organization Structure and Culture

Catherine and Dion Bragg are the married couple who own The Flour Chylde. The restaurant is run as a partnership between these two, with a few younger people who work in the restaurant as well. These people work on everything from actual cooking, to cleaning the shop, to welcoming customers.

The business is very relaxed inside. There are usually only a few groups of people eating lunch, so there is very rarely any noise. But some days, especially around their lunch hour, the restaurant will be nearly full. Most of the time, however, it will be extremely quiet and relaxing inside.

Career Path to Top

Although my internship took place in a bakery, baking was definitely not the main focal point. The main point was graphic design and using Illustrator software to create visually appealing websites.

To get a good job in the field of Systems Software:

Maintain a high GPA in high school

First attend a good 4-year college, preferably a UC

Acquire at least a bachelor’s degree in Computer and Systems Software

How My Internship Fits/Does Not Fit My Future

How it fits:
This internship required a lot of knowledge about technology, mainly software usage, which I understood very well.

It also required being able to work alone, without any outside interference

How it doesn’t fit:
Some parts of the work required a lot of organization

Most of the job needed step-by-step confirmation from the supervisor

Advice to New Interns

Be prompt- punctuality is important!

Dress appropriately

Be confident

Most importantly: Ask a lot of good questions!